ADD - Attention Deficit Disorder and ADHD - Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder

Symptoms of ADD & ADHD can look different in different kids, and some symptoms may change or even disappear as kids get older. Their always in motion, they’re impulsive and hyperactive, and they often have behavior problems at home and at school.

Kids with ADHD often have trouble:
Managing time
Getting and staying organized
Managing emotions
Paying attention and remembering things
Shifting focus from one thing to another
Getting started on tasks
Thinking before saying or doing things

Here are some signs you or your child’s teacher might see at different grade levels:

Preschool-Grade 2
Ignores directions or doesn’t follow them
Grabs things without permission
Gets easily and extremely frustrated
Needs to be frequently reminded to stop and listen
Has trouble getting started on tasks
Gets up, fidgets or talks when expected to be quiet

Grades 3–7
Seems daydreamy and distracted, and easily loses focus
Frequently loses or forgets things
Is often restless
Tends to forget to bring home assignments or turn them in
Doesn’t consider consequences before doing things
Doesn’t finish tasks in a reasonable amount of time

Has trouble getting organized and prioritizing things
Often acts impulsively
Frequently fidgets and talks too much
Has trouble meeting deadlines and finishing tasks
Often needs to re-read things or have directions repeated
Often rushes through assignments, making errors

While many kids with ADHD rush through assignments, others actually work more slowly than other kids. Slow processing speed is common in kids with ADHD. It can make it harder to complete tasks or explain things as quickly as their peers. Also, kids with ADHD can be more likely to have learning differences,

If you would like to see if we can help here is our information:

If you would like to see if we can help here is our information: Occupational Therapy for children is a therapeutic skilled service that focuses on independence for a child and their family. If a child is having difficulty with cognitive, physical, sensory, and motor skills, Occupational Therapy is a service that can help.

Kids in Stride - Therapy designed for Kids
Occupational, Physical, and Speech Therapy
2810 W. Us Hwy 64 Suite 2
Murphy, NC 28906

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