Visual Motor Delays

Visual Motor Delays

Children who struggle with visual-motor skills have delays when coordinating body movement in response to what they see. Identifying these visual motor delays lays the foundation for proper brain function as the child grows. Challenges in learning to write or draw may be the first warning signs. The deficit lies in the mechanism that enables the visual and motor systems to work together.

Activities To Encourage Eye-Hand Coordination

Cutting Shapes with Safety Scissors
having children safely cut out the shapes used for the activities is an excellent way to help improve eye-hand coordination.

Jumping Games
Jumping rope and Jumping jacks challenging kids to see how quickly they can identify a card being held up while jumping.

Flashlight Game
Turn down the lights and shine a flashlight at a wall moving it up and down and from side to side while having the kids follow your movements with their own flashlight. This encourages eye-tracking.

Playing Catch
Kids who struggle with hand-eye coordination can play catch with a small beach ball or toss a bean bag back and forth.

If you would like to see if we can help here is our information: Occupational Therapy for children is a therapeutic skilled service that focuses on independence for a child and their family. If a child is having difficulty with cognitive, physical, sensory, and motor skills, Occupational Therapy is a service that can help.

Kids in Stride - Therapy designed for Kids
Occupational, Physical, and Speech Therapy
2810 W. Us Hwy 64 Suite 2
Murphy, NC 28906

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